Jordana Levine


Dear Dr. Rock’s family,

 I just wanted to express my deep sorrow upon hearing the loss of your wife, mother, and daughter. My name is Jordana Levine, I was a student at Tiferet 3 years ago. I took Dr. Rock’s class and was so impressed by her charisma, warmth and knowledge when it came to tanach. I wanted to learn so much from her that I decided to ask if we would be able to put together a learning group with her. Dr. Rock was so excited to hear about this idea and so we got together group of girls and would go to your house every Thursday night, she would make us soup and teach us that week’s parsha. She was so dedicated to this gathering and we all really looked forward to it. She would delve into the parsha and would read us the text and then pull connections from other areas of tanach; it was truly inspiring and unbelievable. When I heard about her passing, I went to take out my tanach and look through the notes that I wrote inside. I decided to learn Megilat Rut Liuley nishmat Avigayail Rock. I hope Hashem comforts you and your family amongst the mourners of yerushalayim. May we share in Bisorot Tovot soon.
