Shira Lebovitz
Students Dear Rock Family, I wanted to take the opportunity to give you my perspective on Avigayil, as another one of her many devoted Talmidot, who also had the privilege of seeing her as a member of our community. My connection with her began way back when I was 14 years old and, enamored with […]
Yehudit Spero2
Yehudit Spero FriendDearest friends, I found Purim “missing” something this year. Corona virus did not have anything to do with it. I only realized exactly what is was now. Avigail taught me so much about Megillat Esther. We always talked about Purim as Purim got closer. I took her Megillat Esther course several times. Each time […]
הרב מאיר ליכטנשטיין
הרב מאיר ליכטנשטיין Colleague בלק תשעט ממש בשעה זו משפחת ראק קמה מהשבעה על ד”ר אביגיל ראק, אמנם אסור להספיד בשבת, ואני חש צורך עמוק להביע את תנחומי קהילת אוהל יונה למשפחת ראק היקרה, על פטירתה בטרם עת, של ד”ר אביגיל ע”ה במיטב שנותיה. ד”ר אביגיל ובעלה הרב יהודה משמעותיים עבור הקהילה שלנו. זכינו ושניהם […]
Leah Rosen
Leah Rosen In honor of Rabbanit Dr. Avigail Rock – Ten Life Lessons I learned from Avigail Today I want to share a few little pearls about Avigail from my experience as Avigail’s student for many years, and also from my personal relationship with her outside of the classroom. In truth I have […]
Dahlia Lebovitz
Dahlia Lobovitz Student Thoughts on Avigail I heard the news when I was in camp. Away in far off Nahariyah, I was unaware that Avigail’s situation had worsened past the weakness my mother had described in the weeks leading up to her passing. When my mother told me the news I refused to believe it. […]
Yehudit Spero
Yehudit Spero Friend To my dearest Avigail, I am composing this in the present tense for you see I cannot relate to you as belonging to the past yet. You are in my thoughts and heart all day long. I am not ready to give you up and resign you to the past. I still […]
Lisa Bloomberg
Lisa Bloomberg Student- Friend July 9, 2019 Tuesday morning shuir with Avigail I don’t really know where to begin and I don’t know why I think I deserve to speak of such a great person. I do know that I am one of many avelim today, and forever. I hope this will give someone some […]
Shani Taragin
Shani Taragin Colleague Dear Avigayil, I don’t know from where to start a tribute, for your entire life was one. Truly. As daughter, sister, wife, mother, teacher, and friend. I had the zechut to share in the latter two. I’ve been trying to recall exactly when we “officially” met for we shared many mutual friends […]
Nomi Isenberg
Nomi Isenberg Student Dear Rock Family, I write this short tribute in memory of my beloved teacher, Avigail, z”l, your wife and mother. She was the consummate educator – and I say that as someone who has been in the field of education for 40 years – but way beyond that, she was a role […]
Yona Bar Maoz
יונה בר מעוז Colleague ב”ה כ”ז בתמוז התשע”ט למשפחת ראק היקרה והכואבת כותבת לכם יונה בר מעוז, גימלאית המחלקה לתנ”ך באוניברסיטת בר אילן, וברצוני להוסיף קו של חסד לדמותה של אביגיל ז”ל. במסגרת עבודתי כמהדירת פרשנים במפעל מקראות גדולות ‘הכתר’, שמעתי שאביגיל כותבת דוקטורט על ר’ יוסף אבן כספי לספר בראשית, פניתי אליה והתעניינתי בעבודתה, […]