Yehudit Spero2

Yehudit Spero FriendDearest friends,  I found Purim “missing” something this year. Corona virus did not have anything to do with it.   I only realized exactly what is was now. Avigail taught me so much about Megillat Esther. We always talked about Purim as Purim got closer. I took her Megillat Esther course several times. Each time […]

Yehudit Spero

Yehudit Spero Friend To my dearest Avigail, I am composing this in the present tense for you see I cannot relate to you as belonging to the past yet.  You are in my thoughts and heart all day long.  I am not ready to give you up and resign you to the past.  I still […]

Yona Bar Maoz

יונה בר מעוז Colleague ב”ה כ”ז בתמוז התשע”ט למשפחת ראק היקרה והכואבת כותבת לכם יונה בר מעוז, גימלאית המחלקה לתנ”ך באוניברסיטת בר אילן, וברצוני להוסיף קו של חסד לדמותה של אביגיל ז”ל. במסגרת עבודתי כמהדירת פרשנים במפעל מקראות גדולות ‘הכתר’, שמעתי שאביגיל כותבת דוקטורט על ר’ יוסף אבן כספי לספר בראשית, פניתי אליה והתעניינתי בעבודתה, […]

Joseph Pick

Joey Pick Friend Dear Rabbi Rock and family, I was very saddened to hear of Avigail’s passing. I have very fond memories eating Shabbat and Yom Tov meals at your house several times while I was in Yeshiva many years ago, and I remember very vividly the discussions about Tanach at those meals. I remember Avigail […]

Yvette Finkelstein

Yvette Finkelstein Friend Dear Rabbi Rock and the Rock family, With my heartfelt and sincere condolences to you on the loss of your wife, mother and amazing scholar, Dr. Avigail Rock. I was humbled to be able to meet with Avigail several months ago when I was visiting with my daughter, Penny Harow Thau, in Beit Shemesh.  Avigail […]

Francoise Jacobs

Francoise Jacobs Colleague In the next few days and weeks you will no doubt be getting hundreds, perhaps even thousands of letters from Avigail’s students about what a wonderful mechanechet, a wonderful person and a wonderful role model she was. And of course all of this is true…but the amazing thing that I believe will […]

Aviva Horwitz

Aviva Horwitz Friend To the Family of Dr. Avigail Rock,   My name is Aviva (Deutch) Horwitz. I was a student at Midreshet Moriah from 2006-2007. She was my teacher there and she was wonderful. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to learn from her.  I’m so sorry for you loss. המקום ינחם אתכם בתוך שאר […]

Tammy Levy

Tammy Levy Friend To the Rock family,Baruch Dayan haemet.I am heartbroken to hear of Avigail’s passing. I have benefitted from her unbelievable insights over many years of coming to Israel from South Africa for the Yemei iyun. She was a truly fantastic teacher and the lessons she taught were memorable.My heart is with you at […]

מישל (כהן) פרבר

מישל (כהן) פרבר Friend אביגיל היתה שותפה שלי בדירה לזמן קצר לפני שהתחתנה. בגלל שהיתה טוענת רבנית, אני זוכרת את פירוט הדברים שהיא הכניסה להסכם ממונית קדם נישואין – כולל את המחשב ועוד חפצים יקרי ערך שהיו לה. פעם אחת, אני ביקשתי ממנה בתור טוענת רבנית לדבר עם התלמידות שלי בפלך כשלמדנו מסכת גיטין. היא […]